
Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Ed Wood Wednesdays: The Ed Wood Summit Podcast #29 by Greg Dziawer

This week, we discuss one of Ed Wood's rarest and strangest books.

One of the more obscure (and arguably least-read) among Ed Wood's paperbacks must be the 1971 sociosex title Black Myth. Copies turn up so rarely that you could likely count its numbers of readers in recent decades on one hand—your free hand, of course.

James Pontolillo, author of The Unknown War of Edward D. Wood, Jr. 1942-1946 (2017), is one of the few people to own a copy of Black Myth, and he graciously afforded Joe Blevins and me the opportunity to read it as well. This week on The Ed Wood Summit Podcast, I sit down with James and Joe for an epic dive into this very strange, racially-charged text. We invite you to join us, but beware: this one is not for the faint of heart.

And now that you've seen the podcast, learn more about just one of the many real-life figures who turn up in Black Myth.

While I hope you enjoy the podcast, I know that all serious Wood obsessives will at very least find it, shall we say, Ed-ifying...