Captain DeZita, as depicted by the redoubtable Drew Friedman. |
The fateful compilation. |
A few weeks ago, I was scanning through some vintage burlesque and related shorts, not really looking for anything in particular on the Ed Wood research front. I was aware, though, that I was in a potential target zone of connections to Ed and that, given those fertile conditions, some startling
ideas for articles can blossom unexpectedly. Startling because they seem... new!
Eventually, I arrived at the final short on a now-decades-old compilation from Something Weird Video called Grindhouse Follies, Volume 2. I did a double-take at what I saw on the screen.
The short in question was
The Body Beautiful, credited to Roadshow Attractions, a company begun by exploitation pioneer
Dwain Esper in the early 1930s. Roadshow was still distributing exploitation films two decades later, except by that time it was being run by Esper's former partner Louis Sonney. In their prime, Esper and Sonney had been among the
original "Forty Thieves" of film exploitation lore. Legendary B-movie magnate George Weiss often produced shorts and features in the early '50s that were distributed by Sonney. The name
George Weiss should certainly ring a bell even for casual fans of Ed Wood's work, since Weiss was the producer of 1953's
Glen or Glenda and was colorfully portrayed by Mike Starr in Tim Burton's
Ed Wood.
A masseur in The Body Beautiful. |
What initially made me do that double-take during
The Body Beautiful was the presence of a certain very familiar-looking masseur. In the first half of this 13-minute film, this slight, balding, mustachioed man demonstrates a variety of massage techniques on the body of a voluptuous young lady. He works carefully, woodenly, and inexpertly, with a towel just barely covering any exposure of his customer's taboo flesh.
Farrell gives one of many breathtaking performances in Glen or Glenda, narrating the film as well as portraying kindly, sympathetic Dr. Alton. The amazing Farrell rates a Wood regular, also appearing in Jail Bait (1954) and The Violent Years (1956). Connell, incidentally, is credited with shooting the insert footage that comprises Glen's nightmarish fantasy of burlesque dancing and S&M in Glen or Glenda.
Captain DeZita in Glen or Glenda. |
For us true Wood obsessives, the director's movies contain many fleeting but memorable appearances by outlandish characters. Chief among these is Satan himself, who pops up during the nightmare sequences in
Glen or Glenda. Considering how brief his screen time actually is, this shadowy, demonic figure has had quite a long-lasting impact on viewers and must rank high on any list of indelible performances in Wood's films.
As portrayed by the mysterious, Austrian-born Captain DeZita (1890-1955), Satan is an odious presence in
Glen or Glenda with his truly wicked grin and piercing eyes. The makeup by Wood regular
Harry Thomas must also be noted, as it contributes brilliantly to the overall effect. But ultimately it's DeZita himself—with his otherworldly, even scary intensity—that burns itself on the brains of all who have seen this movie.
Although the actor is not given any onscreen credit, the IMDb lists
Glen or Glenda as
DeZita's sole movie role. Specifically, he is credited with playing both Satan and Glen's father, an evocative duality worth pondering. It's a bit like the
theatrical tradition of having the same actor portray both Mr. Darling and Captain Hook in productions of
Peter Pan.
Once I saw the masseur in
The Body Beautiful, I immediately pulled up
Glen or Glenda on my computer in a separate window. Comparing the two films side by side validated my surmise: The masseur is indeed played by Captain DeZita, who in reality was a booking agent for strip clubs. He looks slightly younger in
Beautiful, and given its relative chastity, the short appears to have been shot a few years prior to
Glenda. Actresses were routinely baring their breasts onscreen (albeit with pasties) by around 1953 or '54, as evidenced by Connell's
Bagdad [sic] Over Midnite. That film, also from Screen Classics, is suspected to have some
possible involvement by Ed Wood.
Shaefer notes
The Body Beautiful being in color, but Something Weird's version is black-and-white. Shot with synchronized sound—although the soundtrack of this print lags terribly behind the image— this film affords us the opportunity to hear the Captain's rather matter-of-fact, heavily Austrian accented, and even somewhat soft-spoken voice. Oddly, he sports a small, white, square object—a bandage, perhaps?—below his left ear.
The Body Beautiful has the feel of an early white-coater, i.e. a salacious movie unconvincingly disguised as an educational documentary. As DeZita massages the girl, he recites a dry, technical explanation of the efficacy of massage and how it impacts the curves of the beautiful bodies on display. The latter half of the short features footage of girls exercising, as well as a girl-on-girl massage. Magnificently prosaic, the short leaves all of the dirty up to the imaginations of its targeted male audience.
To use a phrase beloved in the world of ballyhoo:
But wait! There's more!
I continued comparing Glen or Glenda and
The Body Beautiful side by side on my computer screen. In one window, I scanned forward in
Glenda to find the shots of Glen's father sitting at the bar. In another window, I paused on DeZita in
Beautiful as he hovered over the girl on his massage table. While doing all this, I happened to notice a curious background detail in
Glenda: a painting of sailboats on the wall in Glen's apartment, seen when Glen and Barbara are finally establishing mutual empathy.
Sure enough, in
The Body Beautiful, this very same painting hangs in the background of the spartan set over DeZita's left shoulder. It shows up on the wall in the next sequence, too, as the girls exercise. The painting makes its final appearance during the film's girl-girl massage sequence.
Curiously, in
Glen or Glenda, the sailboat painting is draped by a curtain, an aesthetic nicety that would be ubiquitous in the pornographic loops produced by Bernie Bloom and his son Noel in the 1970s. Those films, on which Ed Wood also labored in various capacities, feature a multitude of recurring paintings and other recycled
set decorations.
A sailboat painting shows up in both The Body Beautiful and Glen or Glenda. |
The recurring presence of the sailboat painting suggests that
The Body Beautiful was shot at the same facility as the interiors for
Glen or Glenda, namely
Quality Studios on Santa Monica Blvd. in Los Angeles. (Quality was a frequent home to producer George Weiss.) It further suggests that Captain DeZita may have appeared in more films that are floating around out there. Perhaps, like
The Body Beautiful, there are undiscovered DeZita performances that have been right under our noses all along.
Most importantly, a discovery like the sailboat painting suggests a whole universe of intriguing Woodian interstices. It's a subject that demands further investigation... and more.