Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Podcast Tuesday: "Gossip Girl"

Cathy Silvers is the secret weapon of Happy Days in its later seasons. As Jenny Piccalo, the flirty, rumor-spreading, fun-loving best friend of the more reserved, responsible Joanie Cunningham (Erin Moran), Silvers gives the aged series a much-needed shot in the arm. Jenny is wilder and more impulsive than the other Happy Days characters, and she has a sharper, edgier sense of humor, too. I'm guessing that the writers loved writing for Jenny, because this character gave them the opportunity to do more risque jokes and stories than they would otherwise do. Plus, Cathy Silvers always makes the material come alive. She seems to be having a great time making the show.

Jenny Piccalo may also be, along with Fonzie (Henry Winkler) one of the more complex and layered characters in the entire series. I'm serious. In a way, Fonzie and Jenny have some key character traits in common. On the surface, both seem to be extremely confident and outgoing. But both are extremely fragile and insecure underneath and may act out in inappropriate ways as a result. They just want to be loved and accepted, and they're terrified of losing people close to them.

This week on These Days Are Ours: A Happy Days Podcast, we're reviewing the Season 9 episode "Tell Tale Tart," which focuses on Jenny and her insecurities. The plot has Joanie bonding with the new girl in school, Mikki (guest star and soon-to-be regular Crystal Bernard). Jenny is so jealous of Mikki that she spreads a nasty rumor about her. 

What kind of rumor, you ask? Well, you can find out by listening to our latest episode. And what a coincidence! Here it is, all cued up for you!