"I got 99 problems but a bench ain't one." |
Ah, celebrities... every worthy charitable cause needs them. Where would the homeless be without Comic Relief? Or America's farmers without Farm Aid? Or whatever the heck "We Are the World" was for without "We Are the World"? I think by now you can see my point:
charitable causes need famous people! And the living impaired rights movement is no different. Yes, sir, we need stars and we need 'em now. Of course, I have thrown my questionable, Internet-based semi-fame behind this desperate cause, but I think Dead 2 Rights really needs someone with a more broad-based appeal, i.e. a star you might actually see on TMZ or at least the Enquirer.
But here's the rub! It's not enough for a celebrity merely to wear a Dead 2 Rights t-shirt, participate in a Living Impaired Rights rally, or plaster a "Wayne Kotke" bumper sticker on the back of a limo. While those things are all great and would be most welcome, what I really want is for an aging, fragile celebrity to actually die and come back as a living impaired individual. I think that would really help change people's minds. People run from us now, but they might be more inclined to stop and listen to what we have to say if they recognized our faces. So come on, aging and fragile celebrities, what do you say? When your time is up, we'd love to have you on our team.
1. Abe Vigoda
Anyone for a second helping of Fish?
2. Cloris Leachman
Here's your chance to show up Betty White once and for all!
3. Hugh Hefner
It wasn't like you were getting into Heaven anyhow. Why not spend your afterlife with us?
4. Zsa Zsa Gabor
We're ready when you are, dahling.
So there you have it. Please, celebrities, climb aboard the Dead 2 Rights bandwagon. You won't regret it. In any other cause, you'd be just another star latching on to a trendy issue, and you'd have to fight for valuable camera time with a bunch of other A-List hotshots with raging egos. But you wouldn't have that problem with Dead 2 Rights. We have
no celebrities on our side yet. Think of the possibilities! You'd be right up front, in the limelight, center stage! This is a brilliant way to continue your career even after death.
Think it over. I'll be waiting.